Warrior Athletics
As the K-3 PE teacher, it has given me so much joy to teach our youngest warriors about fitness. From educational lessons about why physical education is so important, to teaching, and sometimes playing, rock paper scissor battle with our littles, we have had many laughs and lots of learning happening in elementary PE. Currently, we are learning about basketball and building a firm foundation in the basics skills of the game from dribbling to passing. My favorite quote so far in this unit of study is “Mrs. Bergen we all sound like a herd of cantaloupes when we dribble!” although the kids are ecstatic about the game of basketball, it is I who is excited about our future here on campus.
As the Junior High Girls' coach this year has been an amazing experience. I have coached multiple sports and multiple grade levels before coming to HCS, however, due to medical complications while pregnant with my daughter Emmie and my son Cole, I had to take a step back and stop coaching. Fast forward to the Spring of 2023, I reflect on the three years I had spent away from coaching and look at the girls I get to coach now and I am amazed. God answered every prayer I made while away from coaching, and the answer to those prayers was the HCS Lady Warriors. I can't even begin to express how thankful I am to coach them and how much joy they bring me. The drive, determination, grit, strength, and effort they show me day in and day out is phenomenal and although we have had some losses and hard lessons learned since August, we've also had some amazing victories. But the tournament championships aren't what makes coaching here at HCS so special, it's the culture that the girls and I are building together. We set goals and we work hard for them. We pick each other up, not tear each other down. I hear the girls laughing and cheering for each other, I see the girls reaching out to me and to each other to try and be the best athlete they can be. I see the love of the game developing, I see their passion growing, I see their confidence growing. I see my girls being Christ-like in everything that they do. And that's the culture that makes HCS so special. That's what makes being a Warrior so great.
I'd like to thank all the parents for supporting me, the girls, and the athletic program we are building. It takes commitment, community, and sacrifice and I appreciate that so much. Thank you for believing in us and our vision. Thank you to Athletic Director Flores for always going above and beyond to ensure we have everything we need to be successful.
Although this is my first year on campus, HCS feels like home to me. I am proud to be a part of something bigger that serves our God and I am proud to be a Warrior!